The World Needs Healers

The world needs healers. I don’t mean doctors. Yes, we need doctors but I’m talking about healers—people who bring healing and wholeness to our fractured society simply by being here.

Our world is broken, that much is obvious. The pandemic exposed and widened the cracks in our politics, our sacred institutions, our relationships, even our faith. All of us are on the edge. We jump and pounce at the slightest provocation. We get angry at about anything and the internet gives us new reasons to be outraged about everyday. We are all fighters now; but there are so few healers to tend to our wounds.

Thousands of years ago, Jeremiah lived through a similar situation in Judah. As the nation was ravaged by the enemy, Jeremiah witnessed grave social injustices. Kings failed to protect the welfare of the people. The nation scattered. Everything was a mess. Jeremiah cried, “Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people (Jeremiah 8:22)?” 

I can feel the lament in his questions. Jeremiah was asking about the famous balm of Gilead, a balsamic ointment prized in the ancient world. This balm is a metaphor for spiritual healing. Why are the people of God not healed? 

In Jeremiah’s day, healing was elusive because the priests have forsaken their calling to teach the life-giving words of Jehovah. They aggravated the brokenness of the nation by withholding the words of truth. Today, we see a similar problem. So many of the people of God who are called to bring healing have forgotten their calling to speak words of life and peace. They have instead participated in the ugly business of demonizing those who are on the other side of the political divide. I’m talking about Christians who bear the name of Christ but have no qualms about trolling and stoking the fires of outrage from behind their computer screens. It is one thing to articulate your political convictions graciously. It is another thing to enjoy the trash talk and the ad hominems.

This post is a simple call for the people of God to mellow down a bit. Our citizenship is in heaven. Our allegiance is in Christ. Our ministry is the ministry of reconciliation. The world is already burning. It needs fire extinguishers, not firebrands. Be a healer who tends to the wounds of the fighters from both sides. Treat the wounded, speak words of life, and apply the balm of Gilead to the broken so that there will be healing for the wound of the people.

The world needs healers. Be one.

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Published by

Jojo Agot

Pastor at Victory. Teacher and writer at Every Nation Leadership Institute (ENLI). MA in Theology and Mission at Every Nation Seminary.